OSHA 1910 Decoded

The number one rule to understanding OSHA is to understand that it’s not just the OSHA 1910 document. Because of three words, OSHA is not just a single document but rather hundreds of documents and thousands of pages.

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Larry Dunville
State Vs. Federal OSHA Programs

Surprise!!! OSHA is not just one entity, it’s in fact a couple dozen. This makes it really tough for manufacturers of Overhead Industrial Cranes. When Congress passed OSHA in 1971, it yielded to what I suspect was the typical fight between Federal and State Rights advocates.

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Larry Dunville
Double Secret Probation

There are two personality types when it comes to OSHA compliance. On one hand, there's the type that says, we'll worry about that when it happens. The other type proactively does their best with the byzantine world of safety mandates.  Since you’re reading this article, you must be one of the later.

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Larry Dunville